Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Talk about a vicious cycle - blowing one's nose, especially when it's all runny and stuffins. You blow it and it feels better, but the more you blow the more tender it becomes and the more sensitive it is. So what happens? Well if so much as a dust particle settles on this area (forget a runny nose) you have to blow your nose again, thereby tenderizing it more, ad infinitum. And guess what IT'S BAD FOR YOU!
To summarizate: Blowing one's nose reverses the direction the mucus is trying to drain and can cause addition bacteria to become lodged in the sinus cavity. Yes, you're supposed to let the mucus drain - into your throat - so all that hacking and disgusting gurgling that person in the cube next to you is doing, they're trying to be healthy about things and not make themselves sicker, give them a break, eh? If you much blow your nose, do it one nostril at a time. And it just wouldn't be publishable in America if it didn't suggest you take drugs. So hop yourself up on decongestants and blow one nostril at a time.


juha said...

P.S. I'm going to try to play volleyball this weekend...provided I can stop blowing my nose, wish me luck.

Sarah said...

wait. you're broken. why the eff are you trying break yourself further by going back to what broke you in the first place?

also, i have had another blog post written in my head for weeks but have not had time to do anything about it. trust me though, it's a good one.

juha said...

I'm not really "broken" anymore. It's like driving your car while the "Check Engine" light is on. Yeah there's something wrong, but it's not bad enough to keep you from driving!

RiCap said...

Come on Sarah, if faced with the question of whether you wanted to be able to walk upright the rest of your life or have fun for an hour which would you choose? I think it's pretty clear that volleyball is the best choice.