Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Road Home

From Oct Wis 08

'Tis the time of year that many people's thoughts turn to family, vacation, travel, or GIGANTIC HOUSES they want their parents to buy them for Christmas. I am no exception, though I hold no delusions regarding my parents' mansion-purchasing ability. For the past several years I have found myself antsy at the prospect of a new calendar, and so far this year is no different. Whether it's skimming down the slopes of A-Basin, having a snowball fight, or curling up in some sort of Bears paraphernalia reading a book and drinking cocoa, my mind has taken its leave.

The real challenge looks to be maintaining sanity when Spring arrives and the rest of the country defrosts, flowers, and blooms, and holding on to the last shred of motivation I have to go to school. I don't mean to sound as if I don't enjoy this time of year. I do. I really do. It is a time to reflect on all that I have; a job, good friends (even if they all sound as if they're leaving), plenty of food, supportive family. It's especially nice to have a family connection. While I hear everyone else complain about spending time with their family, I look forward to spending as much time as I can with mine. Yeah, they're loud and obnoxious, but they're smart and entertaining too...and they make some pretty tasty eats to boot. I always look forward to The Road Home.

From Oct Wis 08


Sarah said...

I wish old Mike could read this post.

Move to Denver already.

juha said...

Wait, are you being colloquial? or do you really wish a previous iteration of myself could read this?

Irregardless, UC needs to open up some employment before I move there.

RiCap said...

Yeah, I miss my family a lot more now that it takes a perfect alignment of vacation time, financial means and a special event just to see them.